If your child has an uncorrected or un-diagnosed vision problem, it could severely affect his or her development because 80% of what children learn is taught visually.
Consistently sitting close to the TV or holding a book too close. This could mean your child is nearsighted. But a full comprehensive eye exam with Dr. Steve will determine this for sure.
Frequent eye rubbing. Children do often rub their eyes when they’re tired or upset. But if your child rubs their eyes while they’re trying to concentrate on something, or while they are being active, it could mean that they have a vision problem.
Losing their place while reading or using a finger to guide their eyes. When kids learn to read and are sounding out words, they’ll often use their finger to track which word they’re on. But eventually they should be able to focus and not lose their place.
Sensitivity to light and/or excessive tearing. Are your child’s eyes particularly sensitive to indoor lighting, sunshine or camera flashes? Children that have extreme sensitivity to light can develop headaches and nausea.
Closing one eye to read or watch TV. Frequently closing one eye could indicate a refractive or binocular vision problem that interferes with the ability of the two eyes to work together comfortably as a team.
Receiving poor grades. If your child is having a hard time seeing what his teacher writes on the board because of poor vision, they may not tell you about it. As a result, their grades can suffer.
Avoiding using a computer, because it “hurts their eyes.” Digital eye strain is common among children who are frequent users of computers or other digital devices. That’s why doctors recommend children have 3 hours or less of screen time each day.
Squinting to see what’s being written on the class board better. Teachers should be on the lookout for students who have to squint or tilt their heads to see the board. However until a full comprehensive eye exam can be performed, the teacher should move the child closer to the front so the child can see better.
Source: Allaboutvision.com