Eyes Dry and Burning with Extended Screen Time/Computer Work?
The vast majority of people today spend at least two to four (sometimes 20!) hours of their day mesmerized by a computer or other screen or phone. Concentrating on these devices and other close-up objects induces stress on your eyes which can reduce your blink rate significantly. Distance tasks such as watching television, playing video games, and even driving a car can often have the same effect.
Lack of blinking reduces tear circulation and increases tear evaporation leaving the cornea (clear front of the eye) exposed. This can then result in the classic dry eye symptoms of burning, sandy or gritty sensation, or eye redness. Watering eyes may also be noticed when reflex tears (flood gates open!) are released to protect the exposed cornea and then flow over the lower eyelid (epiphora).
Other factors can also aggravate dry eyes when concentrating on certain tasks such as an incorrect glasses prescription which can lead to stress on the visual system and reduced blink rate. Those of us in the bifocal years may be incorrectly using (or not using at all) their progressive multi focal lenses leading to increased eye strain. Also, low humidity and circulating warm air from car vents and space heaters in the winter months can further increase tear evaporation and dry eyes.
So what to do? Some simple solutions are available to help reduce the effects of dry eyes with visually demanding tasks. The most obvious is of course….blink more! That may sound silly but making a conscious effort to take a break, look in the distance and blink a few times every 30 to 60 minutes can increase tear circulation and decrease dry eye problems.
Update your eyewear prescription and consider computer glasses especially designed for the screen and other near point work. Computer glasses have become especially popular of late with the huge increase in number of people working from home. These specialty glasses will effortlessly focus your eyes for near tasks, relieving near point stress, and allow an increased blink rate.
Lubricating eye drops can also be very helpful with dry eyes at the screen. We always recommend preservative free (in single use tubes) rather than lubricating drops in a bottle as all bottled drops have preservatives which can cause inflammation and actually more dryness. Avoid all forms of Visine, Clear Eyes, Murine, or other “eye whitening” drops which may temporarily make your eyes white but significantly break up your own tear layer, worsening dryness, inflammation and redness. Our eyedrop of choice is Preservative Free Retaine which can be purchased in our clinic. We recommend lubricating your eyes with Retaine BEFORE starting computer work or other visually demanding task and at regular intervals while performing the task to prevent the dry eye symptoms before they start.
Please schedule an appointment (link below) to discuss these and other solutions for your dry eye problems.
Thanks for reading and best wishes for great vision!