CFE Eye Stories
Simple answer: Thoroughness. You could stop reading here but hope you continue on…. When it comes to pupils, size does matter. An important part of a thorough eye examination involves viewing the inside of your eyes and examination though small pupils often provides...
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Snow Blindness (the “B-Word)…is it a Real Thing? Eye doctors are terrified of “B word” (blindness) and we don’t use it lightly as it implies complete, permanent vision loss that gives us nightmares. However, urban legend inventors, those trying to sell you a...
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Scleral contact lenses have become the lens of choice for treating keratoconus and other corneal conditions not correctable with glasses or standard contact lenses. However, scleral lenses can also provide great comfort and vision in the treatment of a variety of eye conditions...
Read More Arthritis is a common condition in which your body’s immune system mistakes your joints as foreign or dangerous tissue and “sends in the troops” to attack the joint and surrounding tissue. Your immune system is essentially your body’s police force with the task...
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Eyes Watering from the Winter Weather? The Burn and Sting of Dry Eye Season is early this year! Winter has started early this year bringing below normal temps to our already frigid state and colder temperatures usually equate to low humidity. Furnaces, fireplaces,...
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Recently, there have been many advertisements for Lumify, which is a new eye whitening drop on the market. Does it work? The simple answer is yes, but with caution.
Read More Can’t see up close? Tired of Bifocals or Cheaters? Contacts Lenses can be an option for better near vision For those of us who are getting “less young,” the loss of near vision (presbyopia) can be one of the most frustrating parts of...
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New Medical Device to Measure Eye Pressure for Glaucoma - without eyedrops Several different devices are in use for measuring eye pressure for those who have glaucoma or for glaucoma testing at routine eye examinations and screenings. Some devices such as the dreaded...
Read More Amniotic Tissue Membrane use in treating corneal problems and dry eye Amniotic tissue membranes (ATM) have been shown to have numerous uses in wound healing and prevention of scar tissue on the eye and other parts of the body. ATM is harvested from...
Read More Signs and Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis affecting your eyes. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is “demyelinating” condition in which the immune system attacks the myelin cells that insulate the nerves ending. Loss of these myelin cells then causes a slowing of the electrical...
Read More Understanding Vision Insurance. The term "vision insurance" is commonly used to describe health plans designed to reduce your costs for routine preventive eye exams, prescription eyewear and Contact Lenses. Most vision insurance plans are discount plans that provide...
Read More Cold Sore in the Eye? Can that really happen? YES! Most people hear the word “herpes” and immediately think sexually transmitted disease. However there are different types of herpes viruses. Cold sores are caused by Herpes Simplex (HSV) Type 1 whereas sexually...
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Preventing eye injuries from fireworks. Celebrating Independence day (aka: the 4th of July) in America is an exciting time filled with backyard barbecues, bonfires, boating, and beautiful firework displays. Even though we will be enjoying the holiday in many...
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Loss of an Eye and Replacement with Prosthetic (Glass) Eye. The loss of an eye can be a devesting event for a patient. From a visual perspective, adapting to only one functional eye can be very challenging and equally if not more challenging...
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Stay safe in the sun! National Sunglasses Day is June 27th! This is a great time to think about getting new prescription polarized sunglasses. When it comes to buying sunglasses, please take the time and make sure to get the pair that fit...
Read More Uses for Donated Eye Tissue Being an organ donor is a very worthy and noble act which can greatly enhance if not save the life of someone in need of an organ. As morbid as it may seem, human eyes are routinely “harvested”...
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A “routine eye examination” provides an overall eye health evaluation for diagnosis of eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, etc. It will also determine a patient’s “refractive error” or combination of lenses to maximize your vision. Those numbers are your glasses...
Read More Malignant Melanoma in the Eye Malignant Ocular Melanoma is the most common form of eye cancer and affects about one in every 130,000 people. It is most common in light eyed males between 45 and 55 years old. Unlike skin malignant melanoma, there...
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Blue light from your computer and device causing your eyestrain and pain? Shut off the blue and make your eyes happier! Any light emitting device including your phone, TV, laptop, Ipad, etc, gives off lots of blue light which has been shown to...
Read More Sleep Apnea and Glaucoma Do you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)? You may not know that if left untreated it can lead to serious health problems such as high blood pressure, heart attach and stroke. This sleep disorder can also lead to vision...
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Transitions Lenses Many people wonder if Transitions lenses are right for them. One benefit of these lenses is that you can go from inside to outside and not have to look for your prescription sunglasses in your car, purse, briefcase, etc. Its a...
Read More Eyelids Twitching? Its Myokymia. A myokymia is an involuntary spasm of tiny muscles in the eyelid. Many patients report that they see the skin shaking or that it feels like there is an insect under their eyelid. Myokymia’s are a very common and...
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Understanding your vision. Everyone throws around the 20/20 or 20/ whatever number for their vision but few people outside us eyeball geeks really understand what 20/20 means so here is how it works. This system of measuring vision was invented by Herman Snellen...
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Tips to help with your eye allergies Try to avoid or limit your exposure to the primary causes of your eye allergies. In the spring and summer, pollen from trees and grasses are the usual suspects. Ragweed pollen is the biggest culprit in...
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We ran our Enchroma color deficiency test for 8 straight weeks. Inviting people to come into the clinic and try on the Enchroma glasses and take our color blind test and here are the results from our Enchroma color deficient sunglasses test: From...
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Importance of Buying Quality Sunglasses for Performance and Eye Health As the weather gets warmer and snow melts away, we are inspired to take our workouts to the outdoors. For many people, that means walking, running, biking or other outdoor activities that will...
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The Peak of Dry Eye Season Is Here. Eyes burning, watering, dry, blurry? Cold, low humidity, conditions during the winter time can lead to increasing amounts of dry eye. Furnaces and space heaters are running, heat vents in your car are blowing in...
Read More Preventing Macular Degeneration If you are in your 30's or 40's you most likely aren't thinking about age related eye diseases or preventing them. However macular degeneration does typically run in the family so if you have a parent that has this then...
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Glasses to Treat Color Blindness? Do they really work?? Recently there’ve been many advertisements and YouTube videos for Enchroma colorblindness glasses. At this time, we are not endorsing this product, but have purchased a pair for all of our patients to try at...
Read More Why is Vikings coach Zimmer now wearing safety glasses? While watching the unbelievable Minnesota Vikings Miracle game, I noticed coach Zimmer wearing what appeared to be safety glasses instead of his usual readers. Why now would he be wearing safety glasses after...
Read More Here are the top 10 reasons to support your local ma and pop stores. It is so important this time of year to remember the importance of supporting local businesses when you do your holiday shopping. I know its very convenient to shop...
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Dr. Steve has blepharoplasty! Aging is inevitable and often results in everything drooping – including eyelids. Recently Dr. Steve noticed his eyelid skin drooping down over his eyelashes and obscuring his vision.This surgical procedure is called blepharoplasty....
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Children's toys to avoid for Christmas gifts this December. December is here! Crazy right? Christmas is in 24 days... Many people are out there trying to figure out the best toys to give to their kids this December. One thing to remember when...
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Thanksgiving is just a few days away... Crazy to think how fast this Fall has gone and that the holidays are actually here... No matter how you celebrate this holiday or who you are with one thing we know for certain is that...
Read More Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in working age people in America. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, approximately 29 million Americans age 20 or older have diabetes, but almost one-third don’t know they have the disease and are at risk...
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Eye Examinations before 2018! Please do not wait till the end of December to have your annual eye examinations. I have talked to so many people lately that haven't had their eyes checked for 2 or more years, The last person I spoke...
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Its hunting season again! Time to break out those hunting clothes and get those guns ready, but first before you do that, think twice about the camouflage or blaze orange that you plan on wearing. Why? Because you would be surprised at what...
Read More There are many companies trying to sell or taut various eye vitamins that claim to help prevent or decrease the progression of various eye conditions such as age related macular degeneration. Please click here to watch a video on prevention of AMD. The...
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In keeping up with the most advanced technology and providing our patients with the best care, we recently purchased and installed an Optical Coherence Tomography (who comes up with these names??) or OCT in our clinic. This test that can help Dr. Steve...
Read More Halloween Specialty Contact Lenses Safety Concerns Every October our office receives several requests regarding prescriptions for specialty Halloween contact lenses which come in some crazy colors and evil designs. This brings up contact lens safety concerns as all...
Read More Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive deterioration of the central vision which is due to the aging of the macula. The macula is the very center of the retina and is responsible for detailed central vision. It is only about 3 mm...
Read More Early Diagnosis of Cataracts Cataracts are fully treatable with surgery. The medical necessity for an early diagnosis is not as crucial as it is for Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration. Everyone past the age of 50 has cataracts to some extent. However, they can...
Read More Did you know that September is Healthy Eye Aging Month? As we age our vision and eyes change and it is very important to continue with your annual comprehensive eye exam so Dr. Steve can perform tests to detect early signs of vision...
Read More 8 Warning signs of vision problems in children If your child has an uncorrected or un-diagnosed vision problem, it could severely affect his or her development because 80% of what children learn is taught visually. Consistently sitting close to the TV or holding...
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