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Miebo, New Dry Eye Therapy on the Market

Joining the ranks of Restasis and Xiidra, Miebo is the newest prescription eye drop for the treatment of dry eye and "ocular surface disease." Miebo is 100% perfluorohexyloctane and contains no water or preservatives. That fact is unique as most prescription eyedrops contain only a small percentage of the actual...

Elon Musk’s “Neuralink” Brain Implants to Cure Blindness?

Whatever your thoughts may be about Elon Musk, he always seems to be coming up with new ideas and one of his most recent is his company called Neuralink which is researching and developing devices implanted directly into the brain which can communicate with a computer. As you may have...

OZEMPIC and How It Can Affect Your Vision

If left undiagnosed or untreated, diabetic eye disease can result in serious and often permanent vision problems. Ozempic (Semiglutide) is now commonly prescribed for lowering blood glucose levels in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with the thought being that better controlled T2DM will reduce diabetic complications including diabetic...
Spring Eyewear event 2024

Spring Eyewear Event 2024


New Contact Lenses Can Slow Down or Stop the Nearsighted Progression

The incidence of myopia (near-sightedness) is on the rise with some studies showing that 42% of Americans are myopic compared to 24% in 1972 with possible correlations between progression of myopia and screen time. Myopia is the inability to see distances clearly and is usually the result of the eye...
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Our New Eidon Retinal Imaging System

Q.) What is the difference between the new Eidon imaging system and the previous imaging we have done in the past?A.) Our current imaging system (which we have provided at no charge for many years) allowed for imaging only a small area of the eye's interior structures. Pupil dilation with...

Helping give back with MNCAPS and the Lyons Club

Complete Family Eyecare partners with MNCAPS to collect old and outdated eyeglasses to be donated to the Lyons Club. Together we collected 325 pairs of prescription eyewear which will be catalogued according to prescription and sent on mission trips to give the gift of sight around the world!...

Dry January- Alcohol and Your Vision

Ok, with everyone talking about Dry (NO alcohol) January, probably the last thing you want to read is an article on the eyeball benefits of taking a month off from partaking after the holiday libations so we will do our best to keep this entertaining as well as educational. Top...

Viral Pinkeye Season Is Here. What you need to know…

As always, we are not big fans of the elusive term "pinkeye" but rather prefer the more accurate term "conjunctivitis" or inflammation of the conjunctiva (transparent skin covering the white part of the eye and inside of the eyelids). Regardless of the terminology, the why and how of the inflamed...
product recall

Eyedrop Recalls – What you Need to Know

Another Round of Eyedrop Recalls Just in Time for Dry Eye Season….What to Do? (and Don't Do) As you may have seen in the news, the FDA has recalled at least 26 lubricating eyedrops for possible contamination. For the complete list of recalled drops, please see chart at the bottom...
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Our 10,000th Patient!

We are proud and excited to have seen our 10,000th patient here at Complete Family Eyecare! We have come a long way since 2010 when it was just Jennifer and Dr. Steve seeing patient number one: Jennifer's mom. And here we are, 13 years and 27,000 patient visits later! Many...
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Forest Fire Smoke Causing Eye Irritations and Dryness?

Walking outside lately reminds me of the days when smoking was allowed in bars and restaurants. Canadian forest fires have been raging for weeks now, lowering the air quality all over the United States and even spreading into Europe. Unfortunately, this has been causing upper respiratory and breathing problems in...

Spring Eyewear Event: 4/27/2023

Thursday April 27th 2023 11am-7pm

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Important Information on Recalled Eyedrops

You may have recently read or seen a news report regarding a recall of eyedrops that have been linked to drug-resistant bacterial infections.  We wanted to help answer any questions you may have and inform you further on the findings of this report. The CDC has released a warning concerning...
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New Glaucoma Medical Device

New Medical Device to Measure Eye Pressure for Glaucoma - without eyedrops Several different devices are in use for measuring eye pressure for those who have glaucoma or for glaucoma testing at routine eye examinations and screenings. Some devices such as the dreaded...

Maui Jim Sunglasses

National Sunglasses Day June 27th!

Stay safe in the sun! National Sunglasses Day is June 27th! This is a great time to think about getting new prescription polarized sunglasses. When it comes to buying sunglasses, please take the time and make sure to get the pair that fit you the best, have...

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Enchroma Color Deficient Glasses

We ran our Enchroma color deficiency test for 8 straight weeks. Inviting people to come into the clinic and try on the Enchroma glasses and take our color blind test and here are the results from our Enchroma color deficient sunglasses test: From a subjective...

Dr Steve after eyelid surgery

Dr. Steve has Blepharoplasty

Dr. Steve has blepharoplasty! Aging is inevitable and often results in everything drooping – including eyelids. Recently Dr. Steve noticed his eyelid skin drooping down over his eyelashes and obscuring his vision.This surgical procedure is called blepharoplasty....