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Common Symptoms

Blurry Distance Vision

What is Myopia? Myopia is a common “refractive error.” Since no eye is perfect, everyone has a refractive error which could be nearsighted, farsightedness, astigmatism, or presbyopia or a combination of all of...
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Blurry Near Vision and Presbyopia

What is Presbyopia? Past the age of 40, we all have loss of near vision like death and taxes. This process is called presbyopia. For doctor and patient alike, presbyopia...
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Corneal Abrasion

What is a Corneal Abrasion? A corneal abrasion or scratched cornea is a painful condition in which the top layers of the cornea are damaged by trauma to the eye....
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Dry Eye

What is Dry Eye? Dry eye is a condition in which your eyes do not produce enough tears to properly lubricate the ocular surface. Dry eye affects millions of people...
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Eye Pain

What Causes Eye Pain? Eye Pain can be caused by a variety of disorders. Some can be very simple and some can be very dangerous. Eye pain usually involves pain...
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Floaters and Flashes In Your Vision

What are Floaters and Flashes of Light in Your Vision? Floaters and flashes of light in your vision are in most cases a normal age-related process which are a simple...
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Foreign Body in the Eye

What is a Foreign Body in the Eye? Just as the name suggests, a foreign body in the eye is a particle, material, or substance that is not supposed to...
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Itchy Eyes and Ocular Allergies

What are Eye Allergies? Eye Allergies are a very common type of conjunctivitis. They are not contagious and vary greatly in their severity. Signs and Symptoms of Eye Allergies The most...
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Pink Eye and Conjunctivitis

What is Conjunctivitis? One of the most common questions I have heard over the years is “Dr. Steve, do I have pink eye?” Ironically, the patient usually has blazing pink/red,...
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Watering Eyes (Epiphora)

What is a Watering Eye? Epiphora is a common condition in which tears cannot exit the eye and pour over the eyelids causing a watering eye. Signs and Symptoms of...
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